A Complete History of Ramadan with
Makkah2Madinah Complete Guide  


Ramadan is an extremely important month for Muslims worldwide, occurring in the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It’s a time for contemplation, fasting, prayer, and development of spirituality with in themselves. Makkah2Madinah is a guide for devotees performing this sacrosanct trip, providing all guidance and help to both travelers and vacationers. Whereas emphasizing the importance of performing Umrah in the favored month of Ramadan, let us look at the wealthy legacy of Ramadan and the significance of preforming Umrah In Ramadan means of the focal point of Islamic convictions.

Significance of Performing Umrah in Ramadan:

Umrah, the minor traveling to the sacred places of Makkah and Madinah, is very much significant for Muslims, mainly during the sacred month of Ramadan. Umrah during the month of Ramadan is strongly suggested and brings more blessings and rewards than other months. During Ramadan, good deeds are multiplied by 70. Performing acts of worship like Umrah in this month is crucial to Allah.
The environment and climate during Ramadan in Makkah and Madinah are incredibly peaceful. The Harmain (the Sacrosanct Mosque in Makkah and the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah) are always filled with otherworldly vitality as millions of Muslims come together to fulfill their devout commitments and seek closeness to Allah Azzawajal. The involvement of doing Umrah during such dedication and devotion clears out an enduring effect on pilgrims and helps, producing a more grounded bond with their faith and fellow believers.

Importance of Ramadan in Islamic History:

Ramadan is crucial to Islamic history, with significant events emphasizing its significance. The Quran is the ultimate and interminable sacred text, was appeared during the month of Ramadan. The Night of Proclaim (Laylat al-Qadr), a night of forgiveness, blessings and kindness, has also occurred during the last Ashra of Ramadan. On this night, the Blessed messenger Hazrat Jibreel (A.S) conveyed the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Moreover, Roza is one of the five basic pillars of Islam and is very important, emphasizing the need of self-discipline, compassion for the lesser one’s, and otherworldly cleansing. In Roza, it starts with sehri at the time of Fajr namaz and ends with iftar on time of namaz-e- Maghrib, during Roza all Muslims fast from all types of drinks, food and all acts of carnal desires and do charity, and reflection on one’s faith and conduct.
For Muslims over the world, Ramadan is a month of commitment, unity, and kindness towards the needy one’s. Muslims get-togethers for supplications, iftars (breaking quick suppers), and acts of thoughtfulness fortify the associations of brotherhood and society that join together the ummah (Muslim community).

Dua for Performing Umrah in Ramadan:

Before setting off on their Umrah pilgrimage during Ramadan, travelers are advised to make prayers and ask Allah for blessings. During Ramadan, the following dua is suggested for Umrah performance:

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ عِلْمًا نَافِعًا وَرِزْقًا طَيِّبًا وَعَمَلاً مُتَقَبَّلاً

(O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, goodly provision, and acceptable deeds.)

This prayer emphasizes the significance of drawing nearer to Allah through good deeds and dedicated worship. It also highlights how Allah acknowledges our efforts.


In conclusion, the month of Ramadan is considered Holy in Islamic tradition and is defined by prayer, fasting, and examination. Muslims who perform Umrah during this auspicious month receive great benefits and blessings that will accelerate their spiritual development.
Makkah2Madinah is a reliable platform that supports fellow pilgrims on their sacred journey. Let’s strive together for spiritual growth, righteousness, and a deeper connection with our Creator during Ramadan, as we join Muslims worldwide in fasting and devotion. May Allah bless us all during this blessed month